also by the MotA team
  • Golden Dames Project
  • Red Nebula Studios
  • Lovefeast
Commission Keith W!

Theresa's Hair


Gunsolo noticed that Theresa's hair is considerably longer now than it was in previous chapters. In fact, if you go back and look at chapter 5, you'll see that her hair was just down to her shoulders. Now, it is a bit past her shoulders and in a pony tail. We've been purposefully growing out her hair a bit since chapter 4 but did so in stages. Gunsolo asked how long it has been since chapter 5 so here's the official timeline of MotA thus far. Instead of giving specific dates I'm noting time as relative to the present day. I'm also rounding to the nearest month.

Eleven months ago

Theresa travels into the subway tunnels to commit suicide and meets Chrystaline. Chrys drags Theresa to the Fool and they team up with William to rescue Melody from the Machine Intelligence. As detailed in Chapter 1: More Heavens and Earths.

Ten months ago

Theresa and Chrys return to the Hierophant to retrieve Theresa's jacket. Theresa meets a priest there and has a conversation about girls kissing girls. As detailed in Narrow.

Eight months ago

Chrys tricks Theresa into visiting the Ace of Cups where she has an unpleasant encounter with her past. As detailed in Chapter 2: All the Way Down.

Five months ago

Circe sends the residents of the Inn to gather supplies. Theresa and William visit multiple arcana before ending up in the Tower where they face horrors. Theresa acquires the Beast. Chrys and Mandrake go shopping in the Four of Coins. Chrys meets her father aboard a pirate ship and learns of the existence of the "Baleful Gaze". As detailed in Chapter 3: Two by Two.

Three months ago

Melody holds the Telling, sharing her theories on the formation of the arcana. Chrys and Theresa have a non-date. As detailed in Chapter 4: In the Beginnings.

Two months ago

Bandits under the leadership of Baron Sir break into the Inn and attempt to steal something from Circe's quarters. It takes the efforts of most of the Inn's regular residents to stop the invaders. As detailed in Chapter 5: Inn Trouble.


Theresa helps Kludge with his semi-regular mapping of the Fool.


In other news!

Keith is having a blitz commission sale. He's offering full-color, single character portraits for just $25. This is a serious bargain folks. The number of slots he's offering is limited so I'd leap on it while you've got the chance. You can find details here.

Okay! We'll have a new Bricks of the Arcana on Friday and we'll be back next week with a new page of chapter 6. See you then!

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 Quote  Reply     

Guest post by "Lukkai"
Hm... I don't remember reading Narrow. Nor do I find it somewhere in the archives.

And I just noticed that several of the wallpapers in the Extras section don't load. Just wanted mention that.

Submitted February 25, 2015 at 7:13PM



Thanks, Gunsolo. Narrow (and Fly Away Home) are, indeed, bonus stories available in the trade editions of chapters 1 and 2. Available on Amazon, DriveThruComic and ComicsFix.

Submitted February 25, 2015 at 7:24PM



Guest post by "Lukkai"
Duly noted. Thank you.

Submitted February 28, 2015 at 12:30AM


 Quote  Reply     

Guest post by "Gunsolo"
I guess it's a universe boundary of some sort, going all around the Fool thus determining its size.
Probably best not to touch it. Smile

Interesting timeline, that means Theresa held a grudge for about three months between chapters two and three.
I thought it was just a few days, two or three weeks at most.

Where would you place Fly Away Home? Several years ago, right?

Submitted February 25, 2015 at 7:16PM


 Quote  Reply     

Yep. It helps that Chrys was away for part of that time, on a trip with her mom. I hope to tell that story some day. 

Fly Away Home happened about eight to nine years before the present day.

The drabble I posted for Patreon backers last week occurred about two days before this chapter.

Submitted February 25, 2015 at 7:27PM


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Guest post by "Musical_life"
LOL Yes, she's certainly paying for not being a geek.

And as far as geekiness goes, RIP Leonard Nemoy.

Submitted February 27, 2015 at 6:12PM


 Quote  Reply     

Guest post by "adamas"
Was wondering why I was craving a "snicker-snack" when I read this. Wink

Submitted February 28, 2015 at 10:28AM

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