also by the MotA team
  • Golden Dames Project
  • Red Nebula Studios
  • Lovefeast
Commission Keith W!

ComicsFix and RPGs


I love this page, don't you? I was inspired by more recent work on Hawkeye and Young Avengers - the use of motion and composition to tell a story of continued movement in a single page. Keith took my idea and executed it brilliantly. Theresa and Kludge are very dynamic here.

Two items of news this week.

First, chapters 1 and 2 (and their bonus stories, Narrow and Fly Away Home) are available via ComicsFix now. ComicsFix is sort of like Netflix for comics. You pay $9 a month and get access to hundreds of comics to read. There's stuff from Dynamite like the Shadow, Vampirella, Voltron and Army of Darkness. There's stuff from Valiant like X-O Manowar and Shadowman. There's Lilith Dark and Beowulf. And a lot of webcomic stuff, too!

If you have a ComicsFix subscription or are getting one, please give Mysteries of the Arcana a read there. We get paid per page view.

In other news, I am now a line editor for Flaming Crab Games. We are developing a monthly series of short, Pathfinder-compatible books called "From the Logbooks of the Flaming Crab". Each month we'll be focusing on a different topic. We're recruiting now for the first three topics: Winged Cavalry, Cooking Magic and Pagan Holidays. We're not looking for pitches on material - we've got each installment outlined. Instead, you apply to be a writer and, if you're hired, we give you an assignment with instructions on content and format (though there is still room for creativity within that framework). Details are here! If you're interested, consider applying. This is a paying gig.

Bricks of the Arcana will go up Friday and I'll be posting a new MotA and blog entry next Wednesday! See you then.

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 Quote  Reply     

Guest post by "Lukkai"
"It's what you just nearly fell into." is what comes to mind as an answer to that last panel. (^_^)

Submitted February 18, 2015 at 10:56PM


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Sometimes, a writer doesn't want their audience guessing what comes next. At other times, it is a mark of good writing that the audience can follow the clues and come to the right conclusion.

Happily, this occasion is one of the later. Good job working it out!

Submitted February 19, 2015 at 9:39AM


 Quote  Reply     

Guest post by "Gunsolo"
Careful, you don't want to fall into that bottomless pitch-black gap in the world. Those things are infested with grues. Smile

I see that Theresa's hair has gotten considerably longer. How long was the timeskip, a few months?

Submitted February 19, 2015 at 6:36PM


 Quote  Reply     

Guest post by "Musical_life"
The Fool, home of the Void. Watch out for the Grues, they can be gruesome. :P

Submitted February 20, 2015 at 2:25PM

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