also by the MotA team
  • Golden Dames Project
  • Red Nebula Studios
  • Lovefeast
Commission Keith W!

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Don't Forget!

Our pages are about to get somewhat abstract. I've been waiting to tell this particular story for several years, now. I always knew I wanted it to be something worthy of the great mythological origin stories, not to mention the many fine fictional ones. Hopefully, you will all enjoy.

Don't forget, there's a contest going on! Submit a piece of fanart to use by the end of next week. Genn and I will judge the entries. The three that we feel most excemplify the spirit of the comic will get a prototype Mysteries of the Arcana tarot card! It won't be anything fancy, I admit, but it'll be pretty neat to have, I hope!

Your submission doesn't have to actually BE a drawing. It could be a recipe, a poem, a photograph, some cosplay, or any creative work! Please, join in!