also by the MotA team
  • Golden Dames Project
  • Red Nebula Studios
  • Lovefeast
Commission Keith W!

Leading the Party


It seems the party has elected the bard as their leader. Meanwhile, the alchemist, the sorcerer, and the two fighters are following along.

Where's Mandrake you ask?

Excellent question.

By the way, there's a new vote incentive up! As the weather turns cold for many of us in the real world, you can take comfort in knowing the cast of MotA can all go someplace nice and warm.

See you Thursday!

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 Quote  Reply     

Guest post by "Fairportfan"
"Kludge and me".  Objective case.  She wouldn't say "...cover I", and it's the same.

Submitted October 3, 2017 at 2:26PM


 Quote  Reply     

Interestingly, errors like that tend to come in two flavors, especially when dealing in dialogue.

Option A: It's a legitimate grammatical error on the part of the writer, which, of course, does happen.
Option B: It's a deliberate misspeak by the character, because in the real world, no one uses proper grammar when they speak 100% of the time, and as such, do actually make up words, misuse grammatical format, and even sometimes just ramble.

I cannot speak to which option this is: I just tend to go with  the flow.

Submitted October 3, 2017 at 7:24PM


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Guest post by "Fairportfan"

Quote from verias:
Interestingly, errors like that tend to come in two flavors, especially when dealing in dialogue.
Option A: It's a legitimate grammatical error on the part of the writer, which, of course, does happen.
Option B: It's a deliberate misspeak by the character, because in the real world, no one uses proper grammar when they speak 100% of the time, and as such, do actually make up words, misuse grammatical format, and even sometimes just ramble.

I cannot speak to which option this is: I just tend to go with  the flow.

Yeah, i know.

Apologies for being That Guy.

However, since that is one of the things i DO get right most of the time (along with proper usage of "shall" and "will") despite how many others i get wrong (some of them intentionally, i must admit) it sets off a twitch.

Another one that makes me twitch - especially because it's more often gotten wrong than right - is "chaise lounge".

Submitted October 5, 2017 at 12:03AM

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