also by the MotA team
  • Golden Dames Project
  • Red Nebula Studios
  • Lovefeast
Commission Keith W!



Here in my neck of the woods it is officially winter. Snow's on the ground. I had to shovel the drive. We've got out oil heat on most nights instead of the electric heat. There's a Christmas tree set up and decorated. There's been a snow day or two for the local schools.

Meanwhile, Mandrake's heading for the rainy castle, carried along against her will. Why isn't she trying to wiggle free, fight, or escape you might ask? That's just not her style. She's learned a lot since she was a young thief, stealing food in a cyberpunk fantasy land. Now she knows it is best to pick one's battles and wait for the right opportunity.

Plus, she's enjoying trolling this guy.

What's on your Christmas game list this year? There's a lot of great new LEGO Dimension sets out!

See you Thursday!

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Ray Moore

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Guest post by "Ray Moore"
I would never buy lego dimensions for kids.  Lego Mindstorms, lego technic, or basic lego sets yes.  Let their imaginations do the work rather than the imaginations of the movie producers.

Submitted December 13, 2016 at 6:59AM


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Guest post by "JD"
*grumbles*  "Grrrrr... Mandrake WILL kiss Woof before the last petal falls and break the spell so rain will turn Woof back into boy."

Mandrake - "La la la la I can't hear you..."


Submitted December 13, 2016 at 9:52AM

Sensei Le Roof

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Guest post by "Sensei Le Roof"
Aw, she comes with backing music now! *l*

My game list is entirely low-tech this year. Despite having owned an X-Bone for the better part of a year, there's only two discy games I've given any care about for it and I have those already. (Rock Band 4 and Deadpool, btw.) And I done bought PokéMoon as well.

Submitted December 13, 2016 at 12:10PM


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Guest post by "musicalife"
FFXV and/or 12, bar none.

Submitted December 14, 2016 at 11:21AM

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