also by the MotA team
  • Golden Dames Project
  • Red Nebula Studios
  • Lovefeast
Commission Keith W!

Technical Difficulties



This site and a couple others on the network were being attacked by Chinese hackers, and I've been working to stop that for the past several weeks now. There have been a couple of times the site was unavailable, and at least once when it was replaced with a Chinese news page.

So, after doing a revamp of most of the system that makes these sites tick, I believe I've managed to close the loophole the attackers were exploiting. I also managed to break J's ability to upload a new comic. Oops. Please forgive me, I think it's been corrected now and you can return to your regularly scheduled programming.

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Guest post by "Aleena"
I'd love to do a code audit. Smile

There's some free mitigations you can perform based on what I can observe directly.

Cloudflare offers a free tier; they're okay for DDOS protection - though you have to protect the server's actual IP address like a national secret. DDOS protection can't help if attackers can still DDOS the origin server.

Your admin panel's login, at least for MotA, is still not HTTPS. You can get free SSL certs through Let's Encrypt. Moreover, Google is making a big HTTPS push by de-ranking sites that don't offer SSL and adjusting their browser to display big scary warnings. It's a good bet that other browser vendors will follow.

Submitted November 15, 2016 at 1:43PM


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Guest post by "Fairportfan"
Hey - if even the owner can't access it, it must be secure against hackers, too, right?

Submitted November 16, 2016 at 4:26AM

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