also by the MotA team
  • Golden Dames Project
  • Red Nebula Studios
  • Lovefeast
Commission Keith W!

Your Favorite MotA?


Hello! So, here I am, starting to work on chapter seven of Mysteries of the Arcana. Seven! My goodness. And I decided to ask a question I hope y'all will answer. Well, four questions really.

What's your favorite chapter of Mysteries of the Arcana?

And why?

What's your least favorite?

And why?

As a reminder, here are the chapters.

Chapter 1: More Heavens and Earths - Theresa meets Chrys and they end up having an adventure in the Devil where they rescue Chrys's mom.

Chapter 2: All the Way Down - Chrys and Theresa travel to an arcana of giant turtles, where truths are revealed.

Chapter 3: Two by Two - Everyone has to "pay their rent" by going supply shopping. William and Theresa visit his home arcana while Chrys and Mandrake end up chasing a little thief in a 1950-ish science fiction setting.

Chapter 4: In the Beginnings - Chrys and Theresa have their first "date", listening to Melody tell the origin story of the arcana.

Chapter 5: Inn Trouble - Baron Sir and a band of mercs invade the Inn.

Chapter 6: Void in the Road - This chapter!

I would really appreciate it if everyone who reads the comic took the time to answer these questions. Your thoughts will be a great help in writing the next chapter.

See you Monday!

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Chapter 4 is my favorite. It brought forward pretty essential information about what the multitude arcana actually is. I like the world building aspects of the comic in general, and I like the progression of Chrys and Theresa's relationship in specific.

Chapter 6 is my least favorite so far. It starts off well, but got dragged down by the Hanged Man adventure. The twist to their mission to find Quest's Cache is an interesting twist, but the solution seems to be too easy. It was unknowingly collected by an outsider from a place the squirrels know about and has magic powers enough to solve all their problems. I'm hoping for some denouement.

Last edited by Guest
Edited 8 time(s).

Submitted February 11, 2016 at 10:46AM


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Guest post by "Laura"

I think my favorite chapter has to be 6, this chapter. Chrys and T are finally accepting each other as girlfriends! The story has come so far and has so much more to explore. I think T is mostly over her stigma and is trying to focus more on her feeling for Chrys, hence the hedges damn near boning one another. Shes gotta be thinking about her and Chrys, and not the stigmas her religion has placed on her sexuality.  Also i love the art. It got wonky a few chapters ago with Chrys' dad, but this is excellent. Good job.  Also, the writing is in such a great place. Pace is good, story is well done, and it flows from idea to action perfectly. 

My least favorite is 5.  I think was OOC at the end there.   After fighting alongside one another from day one, (cause idk how much time has passed since chap1) and growing closer to Will, and MUCH closer to Chrys, T was still hesitant about taking down Ruby, the traitorous, two-timing, double-crossing, robot.  Ruby was an outsider, and was revealed to be a pawn of the bad guys, and here's where it gets weird. If T thought Ruby was sentient, i understand the hesitation, but that means ruby was CHOOSING to attack, then continue attacking T and Chrys.  So  for T to see the choice to attack, and still hesitate? Odd. Gotta protect that lesbian elf gf of yours T. On the other hand if T thought that Ruby was just a robot pawn, incapable of choice, Why hesitate at all? Its attacking you, and your hot lesbian elf gf. Shoot it and move on.  Either way T was seriously bent about killing the robot and i couldn't figure out why,  It was either a pawn, or CHOSE to hurt her, and it made me re read it over a bunch to see if i missed anything because both reasons are not worth her time or compassion.  It was just this whole big awesome setup and fight scene that had such a cruddy ending because the main character who is usually badass, was like oh your a traitor robot? Oh your hurting me and my gf? Hurting us worse now? oh ok. Oh even worse now? hmm ok.  Your choosing to do this to us? alrighty.   Meanwhile  poor Chrys is writhing in pain on the floor.  and what felt like an eternity later, T takes the robot out.     It was just the first really odd bit of writing/pacing/character inaction i think we've witnessed to date.

Submitted February 11, 2016 at 11:27AM


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Quote from Laura:
Chrys and T are finally accepting each other as girlfriends!

I feel this is awesome too. I'm not sure how I overlooked that.

Quote from Laura:
T was still hesitant about taking down Ruby

From J: "Remember, up until this point, Theresa has "killed" two robots and a couple of yuppie zombies. She's never had to shoot someone who is both intelligent and to whom she's had a conversation with before. I think that sort of thing would haunt most people."

I feel that were I in Theresa's place, I'd have made the same choices, so to me, it's not out of character. Thou shalt not kill, after all.

Last edited by Guest
Edited 2 time(s).

Submitted February 11, 2016 at 12:03PM


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Guest post by "KFox"
My least favourite is chapter 4. I still like it, but up until then, MotA was much more action-orientated, and was so for the other two chapters. I felt it broke the flow of the story.

My favourite is a toss-up between chapters 1, 5, and 6. I really like buff guys like William and Eke, so any chapter which features them prominently will rank high for me. Story-wise, chapter 1 gets everything rolling and is easy to understand, chapter 5 shows just how much the keys work as a team and form a strong bond, and 6 focuses a lot more on the relationships between the keys and their friends.

Submitted February 11, 2016 at 12:21PM


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Guest post by "fairportfan"

I suppose my favourite chapter is Chapter 2 - which explains why a Catholic girl like Theresa had no hesitation about suicide, even though suicide automatically damns your soul.  She was sure she was already damned.

Chapter 5 is my least favourite - i felt as if it was dragged out too long and was a little too plot- rather than chatacter-driven.

Submitted February 11, 2016 at 12:51PM

Dave Robinson

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Guest post by "Dave Robinson"
My least favorite was Chapter 4. It broke up the story too much for me, and I found it difficult to follow because I had no real character investment in it.

My favorite is Chapter 1. It introduced the characters in a way that made me care about them and their relationship.

Submitted February 11, 2016 at 1:35PM


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Guest post by "JD"
I don't know, I've enjoyed them all pretty much. If I have to choose a favorite, I guess chapter 3 due to the varied action (if I recall correctly, my mind wanders a bit). Least favorite? Meh, not a chapter at all, just that time when you were on hiatus.

Submitted February 11, 2016 at 5:19PM


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Guest post by "Adamas"
Chapter 3 is my favorite for the simple reason that Chrys finally figured out that she was doing the exact same thing that her father did and almost lost her oldest friend in the process. That and Mandrake's my favorite character (She's just so SQUEEE!)

Submitted February 11, 2016 at 7:55PM


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Guest post by "six"

Sorry but I just can't manage to decide a favorite and least favorite chapter.

What makes one good is linked to what happens in previous and sometimes future chapters. 

Love the comic so just keep doing what you are doing!

Submitted February 12, 2016 at 12:20AM


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Guest post by "Peaches"
 ThumbsUp  Seconded!  ThumbsUp

Submitted February 12, 2016 at 9:20AM

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