also by the MotA team
  • Golden Dames Project
  • Red Nebula Studios
  • Lovefeast
Commission Keith W!

Some Questions Answered!

A few more more questions were asked. I now have answers!

First, as to the matter of the uncolored pages. There are a few and, unfortunately, I have no answer as to when they'll be colored in. Certainly, I hope to have it done before I release a trade edition. When that will be? I don't know for sure.

Second, it was pointed out that Chrys's dad is a blonde and her mom is a redhead. Where, it was asked, do the purple stripes in her hair come from? The answer is: from a bottle. Yep. Chrys is, naturally, a complete blonde. The purple stripes are an ornamentation.

Keep the questions coming!

Did you know Mysteries of the Arcana now has a listing at I want to thank the person who put up the listing for caring enough about MotA to add it. Thank you!

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Jasae Bushae

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Guest post by "Jasae Bushae"
Pfft XD
Wow, im sorta seeing some parallels to back when Chrys pulled the turtle island therapy on Theresa XD

Its fun to see where Chrys gets her well intentioned pushyness from :p

Submitted December 8, 2011 at 7:09PM


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Guest post by "Fairportfan"
Chrys not spend time without Theresa. Chrys get angry. Pirates not like Chrys when she get angry...

Submitted December 9, 2011 at 2:05AM


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Guest post by "Ayshara"
I figured.... *says the one who's dyed hers a few times herself*

Submitted December 9, 2011 at 9:40AM


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Guest post by "Ayshara"
*edits tropes page*

Submitted December 9, 2011 at 10:29AM


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Guest post by "TC"
I'm in the process of trying to start a web comic that may potentially become a graphic novel (if not just jump right to the novel phase).  I'm a writer, and I have an artist, but I'm not sure how to go about the script process.  I'm not sure how many people ask about it, but would you be able to post one of your old scripts (you can block stuff out)?  I want to get an idea of how you get your information to your artists for the pages.

I couldn't find a FAQ page, and it won't accept my email addy on the Contact form. D=

Submitted December 19, 2011 at 11:44AM

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