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Commission Keith W!

Tarot Games

I recently purchased Shin Megami Tensei: Persona 3 Portable. This makes Persona 3 the only game I've ever owned in three different forms (the original Persona 3 on the PS2, Persona 3: FES on the PS2 and Persona 3 Portable on the PSP). One of the things I enjoy about the series is how they've made use of the tarot as inspiration for both people and monsters. It is always fun to see how other creators work with the tarot and let it inspire their works. And see where it intersects with my own ideas and where it deviates.

As for today's page? I have to wonder which makes Theresa more afraid: the goo hurting Chrys or Chrys discovering the memories the goo is bringing up?

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Guest post by "SoySauce"
You have to wonder? Aren't you the writer? Anyway, it seems pretty obvious to me. Chrys has proven herself able to take care of herself to some extent. Meanwhile, the memories are something that Theresa has suppressed so much that she's since denied any kind of lesbian tendencies and went into near-catatonic shock when she was forced to relive them. So... yeah. Just my two cents.

Submitted July 29, 2010 at 3:51AM


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Guest post by "Mitaukano"

I always find stories that base themselves on the Tarot to be quite interesting I usually pick them up, such as when I grabbed Escaflowne back in the 90's. I am surprised no one has done a good story involving playing cards though they are older than Tarot I believe and their origins are shrouded in much mystery. 

     Oh man, that was such an excellent sequence of panels story wise and art wise it was gorgeous. So if this is Chrys showing up (which I'm not sure it is), I really hope this wasn't all done to Theresa just to obtain a cloak (i.e. the cloak is made from revelations of self etc) cause I'd have to really glower at Chrys for that. However, I am probably wrong and I am highly interested to see what happens next. 

Submitted July 29, 2010 at 4:26AM


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Guest post by "Ayshara"
Actually Mitaukano, playing cards only go back to the late 1800's or early 1900's, tarot decks predate them if I remember correctly (although, yes most tarot decks are newer, the Rider-waite is the oldest deck currently known).

Submitted July 30, 2010 at 11:14AM


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Guest post by "Uhl"
From what I gather, the "goo" is the result of Theresa agreeing to the "turtle's quest." Chrys can not be held responsible for that, as she had no input in that decision.

Submitted July 31, 2010 at 2:09AM


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Soy, I am the writer but if I don't ask these questions who will? Smile

As for Chrys's involvement in this whole affair? That's a question that will be answered in time.

For the record, playing cards date back to, at least, 9th century China. Hard evidence of their existence in Europe dates to sometime in the 14th century. Tarot's existence dates back to the mid-15th century and was used to play certain French and Italian card games (and others, most likely). They quite possibly evolved from more "regular" playing card decks when the addition of cards containing metaphorical images were added to the already existing four suited, numbered cards. Playing cards were already used for divination and tarot cards likely used for that purpose early on, too. It isn't until the 18th century, though, that you started seeing tarot really adopted by the secret and esoteric societies of the day.

The Rider-Waite deck isn't the oldest style in existence, though it was one of the first to give symbolic images to both the major and minor arcana. That's one of the reasons we use it as a base for Mysteries of the Arcana. That and the deck itself is in the public domain (though US Games' version of it is not).

This is all, of course, assuming the tarot doesn't have an older significance dating back to Thoth in ancient Egypt.

Submitted July 31, 2010 at 8:50AM

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